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Pennsylvania Eminent Domain Blog

Mike Faherty Speaks at Pipeline Awareness Meeting

March 13th, 2015 | by Mike Faherty

Mike Faherty, of Faherty Law Firm in Hershey, PA was the featured speaker at the March 10, 2015 meeting of the Cumberland and Perry Pipeline Awareness meeting in New Cumberland. He explained the nature of the Constitutional protections of private property rights. He reviewed the March 5, 2015 Sunoco Pipeline Petition for Leave to Withdraw Pleadings. That action is expected to be approved and slightly weaken the questionable arguments by Sunoco Pipeline for eminent domain power for the Mariner East 2 Pipeline.

Mike reviewed survey intrusion on property rights along with just compensation calculations. Mike represents a growing number of the owners threatened by the Sunoco Pipeline Mariner East 2 proposal.
